If liked this and want more horror (but with less jumpscares) try these! Web Horror - Collection

This game is inspired by Kate Compton's phrase "10,000 Bowls of Oatmeal problem" coined in her excellent article https://galaxykate0.tumblr.com/post/139774965871/so-you-want-to-build-a-generato...

Photo credit for the jumpscare: https://www.flickr.com/photos/32426344@N00, found through Wikimedia Commons

Cover image made using DALL-E https://labs.openai.com/s/Ysc0H4OKnSD2OOUJCcNFPTO2

Music is "The Coil Winds" by Blue Dot Sessions: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Blue_Dot_Sessions/Vacant_Distillery/The_Coil_...

Font is Atkinson Hyperlegible: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Atkinson+Hyperlegible

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(10 total ratings)
AuthorEzra Szanton
Made withUnity
TagsComedy, Horror, oatmeal, Procedural Generation, Short


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I started crying when the jump scare appeared

zoned out whilst clicking and somehow missed the jumpscare, twice, according to the guy sat next to me

been clicking for about an hour now..... still no jump scare.......

i hate my life

El jumpscare me decepciono un poco, ya que era la imagen de la portada y nada mas, podia seguir jugando


Talk about lucky. My crush saw me clicking like crazy while playing this game, remarked "you're damn slow" and took matters in his own hands. And we got the jumpscare after a few clicks. 😋



There I was, playing the game, clicking to get the jumpscare, then it hit me. I had been clicking bowls of oatmeal for 2 minutes. I truly pondered my life decisions. This game has destroyed all my preconceived notions of self and free will. Man.

Emoji Sad by TAKOMAN Sound Effect - Meme Button for Soundboard - Tuna\

JK good game.


Lmao this feeling is the most interesting thing that came out of this experiment (i think), shows up in lots of games but its easier to tell here since its so stripped down. Thanks for playing!


ever have an existential crisis from oatmeal?

apparently, I can say that I have.

yeah that makes sense. I got it in like a minute

What will I have an existential crisis over next? A tall glass of juice, maybe some chips?


Possibly the phrase "honk mimimimi hooonk mimimimi"


This was a pretty cool experience. I played through it as intended, and I have to say, that jumpscare really caught me off guard!


downloaded an autoclicker to speed things up. took like 15+ seconds at 1 click per 10 milliseconds, lol. 


dang, unlucky lol


spam clicking and covering my eyes lol


Good strategy :D
