BFIG Remaster

Hello Friends,


Although I made this game a while ago, it's still the one I'm most proud of. I feel that it is the closest thing to art that I have produced. Because I made it when I wasn't very proficient with my gamemaking software of choice, it looked like crap. I have now updated the graphics so it will hopefully be a more palatable experience.


The Boston Festival of Indie Games is this weekend, the 16th of January 2021. One impetus for this update was the fact that I will be showing it there. The festival is free and online, so if you enjoyed the game and want to come talk to me, or you're finding other cool indie games, I highly recommend that you attend. Here's the link  -


When I originally made this game, I kind of had the feeling of "fuck you I'm going to make a dense game that's hard to play and if you don't like it you can just not play it." My feelings have since softened. I still have those edgy tendencies sometimes, but these days I put more stock in having people experience the games I want to make, so  to that end I've rounded off many of the sharper corners of the game and if more people enjoy it that way, I'll be happy with the decision to do so.

If you're reading this, thank you so much for keeping up with me and my work - I know it sounds cheesy but you're the reason I make things and you give me the energy to create.

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